Why Vinyl Fence Installation During Winter Is A Great Idea
Winter is fast approaching, and the bitter cold and endless snow is on its way. So if you didn’t get your fence built this summer or fall, is there still time? The answer is yes! You can build a fence in the winter in Utah. Even though the ground will frost over, freeze, and the snow will continually fall, winter will not stand in your way of building a fence.
Vinyl Fence Installation During Winter
You can install a fence as long as the ground isn’t frozen solid. There are actually many reasons winter installation is better than putting a fence in during the summer. We’ll explain a few.
Offers Savings
Many fence companies offer discounts on residential fence installation during the winter. As a customer you can save money and stretch your budget further allowing you to afford upgrades or get the fence you really want.
Prevents Damage
It’s a good idea to install a fence while your plants and trees are dormant. This will actually help prevent them from any damage that may occur while the fence is being installed. If plants are in the way of a new fence and need to be moved, chances of them being damaged during the process are far lower since they haven’t bloomed yet. You or your crew won’t have to try to work around any plants or trees in full bloom that would normally be in your way in the Spring or summer. Installing a fence in the winter time is a win-win!
Faster Installation Time
Fence installation companies are generally very busy during the Spring and Summer months. So, if you schedule your fence installation during the winter, you won’t have to wait months to get your fence built. The installation process can happen quickly during the slower months and you’ll be ready to enjoy your fence by spring.
Provides Boundaries
Plants and trees can naturally provide you with boundaries while they are green and lush. That ability tends to diminish while plants are dormant so installing a fence during the winter can help you feel more protected and give you set boundaries you’ve been wanting.
Increases Summer Enjoyment
If you wait and install your fence during the summer months, you could be missing out on vacations or hosting some amazing parties due to fence construction. If you install your fence during the winter, you’ll be ready for some serious fun when summer hits!
Vinyl Fence Installation During Winter
A vinyl fence can add beauty, security and safety to your yard. Don’t let the winter months in Utah keep you from installing your new fence. Vinyl Fence Connection can quickly help you choose and install the fence you’ve always wanted. For more information on your vinyl fence installation, please give us a call at (801) 566-4266 or fill out our online form today!